Violeta walks on foreign lands ~ ڤيوليتا تسير على أرض غريبة

Isabel Ros López

Violeta Parra was a Chilean singer and song-writer, poet, painter, embroiderer as well as a sculptor and ceramicist.  Her life and work inspired millions worldwide, and she is often called the ‘mother’ of the New Song Movement, the 1960s revival of Latin American folklore and music.   With lyrics often offering political criticism, this movement stood for the profound political and social struggles of that period.

2017 marked the centenary of Violeta Parra’s birth.  She was the first Latin American artist to be exhibited in the Louvre; while in Paris, she wrote the poem (later a song) called “Violeta Ausente”, expressing her longing for Chile and its folk traditions and her yearning to return. It is in this poem-song that she says: ‘Now I walk on foreign lands’ – the inspiration for the title of this book.

Victorina Press contributed to the centenary commemorations by organising its second Literary Competition amongst Hispano-American writers. The stories had to make some direct or indirect reference to Violeta Parra, her life and work. This volume brings together a bilingual compilation of nine of the best stories from the contest. Published by Victorina Press.

You can get copies of Violeta walks on foreign lands through one of these links

  1.  Amazon
  2. VictorinaPress

Victorina Press, an independent, biblio-diverse publisher

Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes is the founder member and Managing director of Victorina Press, which is a small, independent publisher based in the West Midlands. This is very important to her, as there are many publishing companies in London, but far fewer in the rest of the UK. Consuelo is a Chilean-British writer and academic.  Victorina Press is, therefore, rooted strongly in Chilean and British cultures.

The name Victorina Press was chosen in honour of Consuelo’s mother who passed her love for reading and literature on to all her children.

Vitorina Press stated mission is to publish inspirational and great books. To do this they follow principles of bibliodiversity, a concept developed by a group of Chilean independent publishers — Editores independientes de Chile —in the late 1990s and now part of the ethos of many worldwide independent publishers. Diversity is beautiful! Says Consuelo. Yes, it is. 

Find out more about: 

Victorina Press and their recently published books

Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes and her work


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