نجمةُ البحر ~ Starfish

شعر ومونتاج فني©إيزابيل روس لوبيذ

نجمة البحر، هي قصيدة استُلهمت من الأحداث الأخيرة والمستمرة في فلسطين. أهديها إلى صديقتي الفلسطينية العزيزة ريم كيلاني الفنانة والمغنية الرائعة.  ترّكز الأبيات على حقّ عودة الفلسطينيين غير المشروطة إلى ديارهم.

أمّا المونتاج الفني للصورة المعنونة ”أغنية للسلام“ فمستلهمٌ من رعب اغتصاب العراق منذ عام ٢٠٠٣ حتى أجلٍ غير مسمّى.  وفيه رموز الرعب واليأس والأمل، والهجرة والتاريخ، والإبداع والمحبة. أهديه إلى صديقتي العراقية.

Poetry and Photo Montage © Isabel Ros López


The poem ‘Starfish’ was inspired by recent and ongoing events in Palestine and is dedicated to a dear friend from Palestine, who is also an artist and magnificent singer, Reem Kelani. I hope it speaks for itself and it focuses on the inalienable right of return. 

The montage is called ‘Song for Peace’ and it was inspired by the horror of the 2003 (and counting) invasion of Iraq. It includes symbols of horror, despair, hope, pilgrimage, history, creativity and love. I dedicate this to my Iraqi friend: M.

Dedicated to Palestinian artist Reem Kelani

and all Palestinian refugees


P for peace beheaded 

A for avoided embraces

L for legends turned into history

E for echoes of thunder stunning dinners

S for swarthy aflicted faces

T for tender hands drawing hope

I for intense dreams devoured by desires

N for nevers longed for as forevers

E for enkindled trails for the landless


I know you well, sister

and the fools

weavers of your shattered history

Lied about, torn to pieces

conveniently patched up

to fit the deceiving festoons

in this new map tablecloth that would like to

erase you from life as country


Why is it that there are still those who believe

that survival gives them the right

to wrench the lives of others and rob them

of crops, beds, walls and roof

why is it that there are still those who believe

that the suffering of others is not theirs

it is these poisonous ways that I intuit

of breeding new hatreds by whichever means


However it is, however

your offspring defend their rights

batting back cans of tear gas 

stones cast by the oldest of weapons

sending through the air flagged kites 

charged with fire towards the land thieves


‘to ignite with what little I have left

you’ll tell me who’s going to fix everything later

to ignite with a ‘yes I can’ the giant lack of power

‘Fell me a tree, I plant another, shoot me and I will die

with a curse sealed into my last breath

‘Kill me and you will see how I multiply

I learned it from a starfish

This is my land and you will not throw me out

I do not have another, I do not want another

Know that we will return, it is our universal right.’

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Material should not be published in another periodical before at least one year has elapsed since publication in Whispering Dialogue. *أن لا يكون النص قد تم نشره في أي صحيفة أو موقع أليكتروني على الأقل (لمدة سنة) من تاريخ النشر. *All content © 2021 Whispering Dialogue or respective authors and publishers, and may not be used elsewhere without written permission. جميع الحقوق محفوظة للناشر الرسمي لدورية (هَمْس الحِوار) Whispering Dialogue ولا يجوز إعادة النشر في أيّة دورية أخرى دون أخذ الإذن من الناشر مع الشكر الجزيل

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