Or in London

Mabel Encinas-Sánchez

During lockdown, violence becomes evident in the world. This poem talks about simultaneous alienation and connection during lockdown times in London.

cold with a sun
which does not heat,
still possible snow,
my heart is sad.

Helium balloons,
words drift away
along the stretched cirrus clouds
of my mind.

Words, slippery fish,
and swim away,

Between my hands,
water words drain out
from the imperfect bowl
of my fingers.

Tears remain.

alienated at times,
connected with everyone.

Power abuses hurt, harm.

Renewed facisms,
incendiary racisms
domestic violence:
justice becomes
a dream that moves away.

Dead bodies pile up,
the living need to disperse,
one in thirty
can infect you.

At home,
in any city,
in any village,
or in London.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Material should not be published in another periodical before at least one year has elapsed since publication in Whispering Dialogue. *أن لا يكون النص قد تم نشره في أي صحيفة أو موقع أليكتروني على الأقل (لمدة سنة) من تاريخ النشر. *All content © 2021 Whispering Dialogue or respective authors and publishers, and may not be used elsewhere without written permission. جميع الحقوق محفوظة للناشر الرسمي لدورية (هَمْس الحِوار) Whispering Dialogue ولا يجوز إعادة النشر في أيّة دورية أخرى دون أخذ الإذن من الناشر مع الشكر الجزيل

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