A Woman’s Pleasure

Strasbourg Carhedral, Isabel del Rio

Poem and photo by Image by Isabel del Rio (photograph taken in Strasbourg Cathedral)

يجب أن لا تَهمِل الكتابة النسوية قضايا المرأة،  إذ عليهنّ طرح الكثير من تلك القضايا الجوهرية للمناقشة وكشف الحقيقة والتنديد بالظلم بعد قرون وقرون من القهر وغياب العدالة. لهذا، يجب علينا ألّا نتوقف بتاتاً من الكتابة عن المآزق التي تمرّ بنا حتى أخذ حقوقنا والاعتراف بها. 

تأثّرتْ جميع نواحي الحياة التي تمرّ بها المرأة بالعرف التاريخي فحتى المتعة لم تكن إلاّ وسيلة للطغيان. يناقش النصّ التالي متعة المرأة وهو نصٌّ ضمن كتاب إيزابيل دَلْ ريو “الألم” (دولورم إبسم) الذي نُشر في عام ٢٠٢٠كوقفة إجلالٍ لضحايا جائحة كورونا. 


Women’s writing must never ignore women’s issues. There is much to discuss, expose and denounce after millennia of pain and injustice. Thus, until all of us acquire our rightful place and get due recognition, we must relentlessly continue to write about our plight. 

All aspects of women’s lives have been shamefully impacted by our patriarchal history, and even the right of women to feel pleasure has been subjected to oppression. Here is a poem discussing women’s pleasure; it is from Isabel’s book, Dolorem Ipsum, published in 2020 as a homage to the victims of the pandemic.

they called it a night
and stole our thunder

agreeing to all things put to me meant
there was no need for payback time

you demanded do it this way or do it that way,
it was all so brazenly easy

you believed that my pleasure was like 
your pleasure: the same cause and, thus, the same effect

you knew not a thing about me, but assumed all things;
just one example: full-frontal leaves me cold

saying the word love interminably is not love; sex is not
sex at all times of the day

I did not have to think a thing when I followed your tips; what I wished for was not, 
as they say, of this world

I would have probably been happier listening to music, 
especially with a metronome by my side

people always mess up on the route to perfection: what
you see and what you get are two unrelated conditions

I should have spoken up earlier, but was convinced that the guessing game 
was part of the fun 

I had no option but to cut to the chase and live
a lie, baby
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