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A Soldier’s Disobedience ~ جنديٌّ غير مطيع

روان الجنابي

فحوى الكلام

الوطن هو الأمّ ، و الولاء للوطن هو أحد القيم السّامية الّتي يجب التّمسّك بها. منذ نعومة أظفارنا يرشدنا المجتمع إلى سبل الولاء للوطن والعمل من أجله بإخلاص. ولكن هل تعدّ ممارسات القمع و إبادة الأرواح الّتي تحصل في الحروب -لا سيّما في الحروب الأهليّة- شكلاً من أشكال الولاء أم أنّها قناع يرتديه المفترس لتبرير جرائمه؟

Rawan Al-Janaby


The moment we step foot in society as children, we are led down the path of patriotism by those around us. Overtime, we come to see our homeland as our benevolent mother. Hence, as her children, it becomes our responsibility to shield her in times of crisis. However, are acts of bloodshed reaping innocent souls during wars, a part of ‘patriotism’? Or is it merely a façade worn by criminals to justify themselves?

Today, society thought me
A slave
Chained down by the values
Of the ‘brave’

Is this what it means to obey?

This child,
With a once radiant smile
Is the latest crimson stain piled
On the stack of corpses which I’ve taken
To the grave’s aisle,

Is this what it means to obey?
To trample over a budding flower
Watching as the future spirits away
Is this what it means to obey?

Today, half of society hailed me
As a knight
A hero valiant and brave
“He who rid us of the nation’s blight”

Is this really what it means to loyally obey?

The puppet’s threads begin to tear
As I spiral into the abyss
Of moral despair
For is it truly loyalty, she who finds this bliss?
She who demands for a bother’s head,
Disfigured, dripping shades
Of a severed red?
Is she why we pierce peace with our blades?

Are those the twisted values she dictates?
Or was this all a charade,
With loyalty as its masquerade?

Is this what it means to obey?

Today, half of society branded me
A cowardly knave
One who disobeyed
“He who abandoned loyalty;
Has he no shame?”

I only rescued loyalty,
From the mud that soiled her name
This once only, I obeyed.
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