نأْيُ الضغائن


As he cried and with his blood he tarnished,

We were inundated with the disaster of Karbala.

Those frothing with grudges

Blamed the catastrophe to the passing of time.


They oppress and pay no heed to those who abstain.

Put aside the grudges!

Woe to the one who leads humanity with his ignorance

Dirt is what reaches you from the pure source of the Euphrates.

My hopes are mourning in every poem

My writing is received as intimate words.

–Translated by Valentina Viene


Dhia Seger ضياء صگر

Dhia Seger, Grudge
Dhia Seger; Distancing Grudge نأي الضغائن؛ ضياء صگر


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