الآخـــر ~ The Other


قصيدة من نوع المرآة المعكوسة وفيها تتحدث مابيل سانتشيز عن القوّة المدمّرة للمضايقات العدائية وعن الأهمية القصوى لكسر حاجز الصمت و استعادة الوضوح والنقاء لحقوقنا التي سُلبت منّا وحقيقة أننا مختلفون ومتساوون في الوقت ذاته.

 “هذه أنا، تجرّأْ على معرفتي.

رِ نفسك فيّ.”

A Specular type of poem on Bullied by Mabel Encinas

Photo ©Rebirth by Albert Herring and Emma Himbra


But how to say the word?

Under the desks,

Loads of parochial words define me as ‘the other’.

Left in the shadows of the unknown,

I fear and cry with no hope,

Eroding myself,

Disappearing –silenced, disappeared.



Dead or at least dying,

Entombed under muddy words,

I search for my remains

Looking into myself, and wonder what I am.

Listening to voices of other places and other times,

Unpacking future truths (it is only us, there is no ‘others’),

Broadening my voice, finally, I shout:


This is me, dare to know me.

See yourself in me!

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